[Some of the pictures in our last 2 posts on our old Blog have disappeared so I've reposted them here.]
We had a birthday the other night so I want to start this off right by saying:

She even brought a cake for all of us! Happy Birthday Janice, we hope the day was as good as the cake was.
Fran was back in and managed to finish up her Fish window and a beveled star. She’ll be working on a few more Fleur De Lis windows next as well as a few more stars.

Lea continues working on her beveled window and is all ready for solder now. All of the glass cutting is finished and her channel has been cut. She’ll be relaxing next week with the soldering iron in her hand.

Barbara, like Lea, completed all the cutting on her window and has begun to solder it. She’s doing so well that I told her to take it home and solder it there when she has time! If you think it looks great now just wait until you see it with some light behind it (next week).

And Judith followed suit by finishing all the cutting on her window as well. When I saw how her tack soldering had a bead to it I suspected that she would catch onto the final solder quickly. And I was correct. Like Barbara, she’s taken her window home to complete there.

Alas, Sheila didn’t finish with all her glass cutting this week but the worst part is over for here. She had a lot more pieces in her window which took a little more time to complete but I can guarantee that she’ll be ready to solder by the end of class next week. Here’s her Fruit Bowl window ready for its final borders.

Jane’s latest window looks wonderful — the bible has a real 3D feel to it. Jane finished cutting and grinding everything in class and took it home to finish. I told her that she’s have to bring it back so I could get a finished picture of it for the Blog so expect to see this one hanging up next week.

Our Birthday Girl cut out 2 Fleur De Lis. One for the window she’s working on now and the other for a second window that will match this one. With all the excitement going on during class I forgot to get a picture of the pieces she cut but I do have a picture of the pattern which will show you what Fleur De Lis she picked to set in the center of these 2 windows.

Mary Lynn was in for a visit this week and attached some brass rods to the last window she worked on so it can be displayed in her front yard. The she picked out the pattern and some of the glass she’ll be using when she begins making her new window next week.
Grace was feeling a bit under the weather but that didn’t stop her from getting everything tacked together on her Medical Window. All that’s left to finish this one off is a red border.
Gerald got all of his Tiger Eye window cut and ground and took it home to wrap. He plans on starting the second window of his set of four next week and it should be easy since he did the most complex one first. I love these tiger eye windows…

Christine is almost finished with her Indian Window. With only two wolves left to cut out I think we’ll be seeing this one soldered soon. Not only is she making 2 of these Wolf/Indian Windows, but she’s also knocking out stained glass crosses while she’s at home. Here’s a look at both of the projects she has in the works right now.

Denise has all of her ducks wrapped! She managed to get them tacked together before she left which means that she’ll be working on her background the next time we see her. It’s still not completely decided upon but I know the bottom part will be water and we’ll have some sky on top. There may even be some reeds, but at this point I can’t be entirely sure. We’ll find out next week though!

Last, but not least, we have the second finished bevel window that Cheryl made. This one is a bit taller than the first one she made but the pattern is nearly identical. There’s nothing quite like a beveled window and the picture below only proves my point. Just wait until you see Cheryl’s next project. It ought to be stunning!

Well, I’m sorry this post got out so late. I was beginning to think that we were going to have our next class before the Blog was update-able again. It seems as though you have to click 2 times to get a full sized image of someones project but I may be able to change that when I upload them. Bear with me and we’ll have this figured out soon!
See you all next week,
Bayou Salé GlassWorks
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