Thursday, June 25, 2009

Playing Catch-Up 2 (Week of 5-19-09)

Welcome to the second of 7 new blog posts this week. Check with us here over the next few days to see what's been happening over the past 2 months. Hopefully I'll never get this far behind again!

Here's Michael Ann's window with the front side completed and the back almost completely soldered. There's no doubt that we'll see this finished next week. The window takes on a completely different look when it's held up to the light.

Janice is still busy cutting glass for her 2 windows. At the rate she's going she'll be at the grinder in no time at all.

Jane began soldering the large panel of her fireplace screen The front and back are now finished and she'll star work o the side panels next.

Grace is already at the grinder. Here's the first corner of her window all ground and fitting together nicely. She took her time cutting so the grinding isn't hard to do at all. She basically skimming pieces and having them drop into place almost perfectly. The only thing slowing her down is the number of pieces she has to do-- This is a LARGE window!

Fran began working on a new mask that she drew up. She has it cut and ground now and will be wrapping it at home over the week.

It was a slow week but this proves that it all really happened--6 weeks after the fact. LOL

Bayou Salé GlassWorks

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