Well, we have another completed lamp by Jane. These are getting to be far too easy for her. Her next one will go to one of her daughters (it must be nice to have a mother who can just make you a Tiffany style lamp) :-) but I want to see her make one for herself! This turned out beautiful and with each lamp I can see the quality of her work step up a notch. Her soldering on this one required very little touching up so I think we can say that Jane has got the whole 'Soldeing in 3 Dimensions' down pat.

We also get to look at Patty's finished Shrimp De Lis Window. She spent most of her time tinning wire, cutting it and attaching it to her window to form the Shrimp's feet. This is a very Louisiana window and if you don't understand what I mean by that well then surely you'll have to come down and visit because words just can't explain it.

Paul worked on both his terrarium and his flower suncatcher. Before the flower was finished we needed to make a small adjustment to one of the leaves. The original pattern didn't have it touching the flower and that made it very unstable and wobbly on the stem. By angling it upward a little more we affixed it to a flower petal as well as to the stem and now there is no danger of it accidentally coming off when this gets cleaned from time to time. Paul did this project on his own with me only making a few soldering touch ups. I think we can say that the man knows when he's doing.

After the flower was completed Paul cut and ground the last 28 pieces of the bottom half of his terrarium. He took them home to wrap and the next step will be tacking the bottom of this beast together. I can't wait to see it take shape when we see him again. Here are the 2 bottoms clear rows of his terrarium. It may not be anything to look at now, but just wait until this is completed.

After Terry got her mask all tacked together she spent some time filling in some of the missing pieces of her Mardi Gras Mask window. She filled in the holes in the eyes and the mouth as well as a few feathers that were skipped over previously. After that she then took upon the task of cutting out her background. She not only has more than half of it cut but she also has it ground and wrapped as well. With just a few more background pieces to go I'd say that she'll be working on her border next week. I can't wait to see what color she picks.

It's official-- Ray has begun soldering his window and even completed the first side of it. And while he was doing it I heard him say that soldering wasn't as bad as he'd thought it was going to be. And that's good to hear because we don't like it when students are worried about the next step in making their windows. Well, with the front of this soldered I think I can safely say that this will be completed during his next class. Look to see this window lit up soon.

Roxie got the white rectangle background squared off for her address window and just as she was about to cut the numbers (or should I say "letters" -- for some reason I kept referring to her numbers as letters last week) I realized that she can't cut anything until she has her corners drawn into place. And the only way to do that is to cut the corners out first. So that's exactly what Roxie did. Her corners are ready to be drawn onto the glass and I have a sneaking suspicion that she'll have this all together and even be soldering it during her next class. But before that happens we'll have to wait until her son gets married so it will be 2 weeks or so before we see Roxie again. Weddings have a way of taking up all of your time. Good luck with the wedding, Roxie!

She walked into the door and there she was, back in class almost as though she'd never left us. Who could that be you might be wondering? Well it's Julie who is back in action and ready to cut glass. We all told her that since she'd taken some time off she'd need to make another butterfly but this one wouldn't be made up of just 6 pieces-- the one we showed her had a few
*hundred* pieces. And just to make it more interesting we also told her that she had to have it completed during her first night back. Julie said she didn't need that much of a refresher course and instead made these Fairie wings. She's taken them home to wrap and next week she'll have a completed Fairie to take home with her. Good job and welcome back, Julie.

Fran was in and managed to complete the cutting of her ducks. The background to this window is going to change so she needs to grind, wrap and tack together these fowl so we can trace them out on a new blank paper and redesign the scenery that they are flying in front of. It will be fairly similar because all she really wants to do is move the location of the sun.

Myrt has her next project under way and it's looking to be another nice one. The window contains assorted flowers, a sun and a butterfly. There are flowing leaves, lots of flowers and a chance to make this very colorful indeed. Next week she'll begin cutting the glass so this week you get to look at the pattern which is all colored, cut and ready to go.

Lastly we have a look at 2 patterns that 2 of our students have drawn at home. Terry did the duck on the left and Myrt did the Bumble bee of the right. The patterns are very nice and as I said before I just love when students come in with ideas and projects that they've done at home on their own. It tells me that I must be teaching them correctly. :-)

So that about wraps it up this week. We'll have new projects started during our next class and more finished windows. Read all about it here when we post our next update.
Bayou Salé GlassWorks