Well, we're finally back in action here. With all the rush in getting our latest batch of windows for St. Jules completed we've sorely neglected these Blog postings. Now that we're in between Church windows we'll catch back up here again. It seems to be a never ending theme and I do apologize.
So let's travel back in time to the first week of September when Ann completed this small yet elegant windows that will match the larger one she'll begin next week. This is her first project upon returning to stained glass classes and I have to say that she didn't miss a beat at all. IN fact, it's almost like she never took any time off between projects.

Roxie has the two words in her "Mellow Camp" window completed and when she returns for her next class she's going to put a piece of the white background glass in between the 2 words so it becomes one long window. Then she'll add a border, solder it and call this a completed project!

Myrt worked on her stylized Fleur De Lis window by cutting out the gray background glass and grinding it to fit. The missing forth quarter exists but when I took this picture Myrt was at the grinder making sure it fit perfectly. She traced her FDL on top of one sheet of gray glass so that grain matches perfectly through out the window. It's hard work but it always pays off in the end.

Janice got the border attached to her window and then she finished it off with some brass channel around the edges. All that this window needed was a bath and some patina to color the solder but I talked her into letting me do that outside with the hose the next day-- it wasn't hard to convince her that it would be the easiest way to handle the job. :-)

So rather than wash and color her window Janice began working on her second Rose Window by wrapping and tacking her background glass together. All this needs is a border.

Sonia has all of her peacock ground and it's ready to be wrapped. I really like her choice of colors and think this will be every bit as nice as Anita's peacock was. (Not that this is a competition) Sonia will pick a background glass and work from there when we see her next. She's already sold on the fancy border-- she wants this to be a standout piece and it looks like she has one already.

Cindy has the largest window for her door almost completed now. The front is soldered and the back will be handled next. She only has the two thinner side panels left to go and this project will be completed. Everyone in the classes has been following this project and I can't wait to post the picture of these windows installed in the door.

Since Cindy can't work on her door windows at home (they're too large for easy transportation) she's been working on this Humming Bird window while she isn't in class. And this home project is just about completed!

Bonnie has her Rooster window all ground and fitting together perfectly. Once this is wrapped she'll tack this together and pick out a glass for her border. Wait until you see this one with light behind it.

Anita began grinding her Purple Callalilie window. She's not one to sit still for very long so she has a number of patterns at home all traced out and ready to go. It's always interesting to see what she'll bring in to class with her and how far along she is on it. All of the cutting for this window happened at her house during the week. :-)

Fran's duck window just needs a border now. I have to say that when I looked at this picture I saw something that didn't look very pleasing to me so expect a minor but important change to occur next week when we make a change to the background glass. The lines just don't flow as smoothly as they could and it will be simple to correct it. But other than that slight design flaw I'd say this is really shaping up.

So that wraps up this edition of the Blog. I'll be doing 3 a week until we're caught up again. And I'll also post pictures of the windows that we installed at St. Jules that made us fall so far behind here.
See you soon!
Bayou Salé GlassWorks
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