Monday, September 30, 2024

Shhhhhh! I Don't Even Want To Know!

This Fighting Leprechaun really comes to life in MiMi's stained glass recreation of the Notre Dame logo.  This was made for someone specifically who might very well be a member of the  Leprechaun Legion since he/she now owns two different Notre Dame windows made by MiMi!

Martha's Sunset window is calming and serene while eliciting rays of optimism and longing expectation. In the past I've found that Martha focused too intensely on only motility and tone. It made her art pedantic and perhaps even slightly generic. In this piece she's proceeded to plumb exactly what the populace expects to experience and, at the risk of  perhaps revealing too much, Martha has also tapped deeply into our imagination and frivolous self-deprecating yearnings.
Let finished her Beveled Heart Window which lights up in a beautiful shade of blue.   It really sparkles and the color is superb.  When Let finished her Beveled Heart Window she moved onto and then finished up her large Santa Face Suncatcher as well.   Two projects, one day.  Way to go!
In this piece Martha explores the relationship between new class identities and social surrealism. With influences as diverse as Kierkegaard and Andy Warhol, new synergies are sublimated from both orderly and random grains.  As intermittent replicas become transformed through diligent and critical practice, the viewer is left with a testament to the edges darkness and light . All of this, and more, ingeniously distilled securely within a Franklin Street Lamp.
Melissa's got one of her pair of Beveled Crosses soldered and ready for hanging.  Melissa decided not to do the tap-tap method of going around the edges of her Crosses and simply surround them with brass channel to give them  crisp clean edges, but the tap-tap method looks great as well so it's all about aesthetics and what the person making it likes best.  There is no right or wrong here.

Here's the Santa Face that I told you about earlier.   Let is starting Christmas early this year which means that she won't be pressed for time come December!

Zoe is really flying through her next window.  Her Sunset with Seagull window features a wonderful use of shading throughout the water (it's made of three different sheets of glass which blend together perfectly) and just wait until you see the glass that she's picked out for the Sun and the sky!


Kandise got all of her Art Deco Woman cut out this week and then moved on over to the grinding to make sure everything fits together in the best possible way.   She was a bit alarmed that it didn't just fit together without any grinding but that's a common misconception that people have when they start making stained glass.   Truth be told, her cutting looks great and the pieces that she ground only needed to be skimmed to fit.   
Barbara got her Pair of Magnolia's pattern traced out, colored and then cut out.   She even had time left over in class to be able to  pick out some green that she liked  and then managed to get the green leaves for the Magnolias cut out!  All in all, a productive day.

Lisa has three different irons in the fire as she worked on cutting out a large cross suncatcher and two different Heart suncatchers as well.   The Cross and the red Heart have been ground already and she's already well underway on grinding the Woven Celtic Heart so it was a VERY busy day for Lisa.

Betty spent her class working at a grinder and getting quite a lot done.   She knows all the tricks for getting everything to fit together perfectly and she moves through the process with both speed and accuracy. Her sky isn't cut yet because she still doesn't have the glass but that will be rectified next week!

June's Goat is coming together and looking more goat-like with each passing week.  I have to say that June knows how to work a grinder because this is fitting together beautifully.

Susan D's working her way through her book of geometric designs two at a time.  These may look simple due to the repeating patterns but if just one of the lines is off it sticks out like a red thumb.  And Susan has no red thumbs here.

Cindy's Holly Heart is all cut, all ground, and very well onto being wrapped in copper foil as well.   I can't wait to see this up in the light and knowing Cindy this will be completely foiled when she brigs it back in.

Susan R is tediously grinding out the feathers for her Peacock Hoop Hanging.  She said she wanted to do this one perfectly and that's what she is certainly doing.   I do believe that this will be THE peacock feather in her stained glass hat!
Judy's Donkey Window looks a little odd only because it's not a donkey but a Deer!   As a Deer I'd say that Judy has done quite well indeed.   She has everything ground and foiled which means that she'll tack this and then work on a border upon her return.

Annette continued wrapping glass for her Sacred Heart Window and she's now ready to cut the remaining glass pieces in her window which make up the sword.  She's getting close to the end on this now!
With most of her feathers ground there are only a few more left for Mary Grace to grind.  Once that's done she'll move along to the actual eye piece of the Mardi Gras Mask itself.  It's coming along nicely and Mary Grace is pulling no punches while making this.
And this is the second green and red beveled Cross that Melissa has worked on.   It's been completely ground which means that she'll be wrapping this with copper foil when she next returns.

Steve started and almost completely finished a new large circular Fleur De Lis Suncatcher.  He's got solder on the front which means that this will easily be completed upon his return.
Finally we have Ann who is getting into the Christmas spirit ahead of time so that the Nativity Scene that she's begun making will surely be completed in time for Christmas.   She picked out the pattern, traced it out, colored the patterns pieces and then cut it all out before calling it a night because she wants to see what colors she can use that she has at home.  Glass will surely be cut when Ann returns and I'll even get a picture then as well!

And there you have it.

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