As you can tell from the first picture below we gained a new student this week. Michael made her butterfly using 3 different shades of pink glass. I don't think she'll have any problems making stained glass especially when she handled each step in the process like she's done this before. Here's a look at her first project-- a butterfly suncatcher.

Jane has finished all her tacking and began to actually solder her window. The only thing we need to add is her final border and this will be finished. Now that it's all tacked together she's able to get it out the door so she'll be soldering this at home instead of just working on it during class.

Janice also finished tacking everything together on her window and has begun the final soldering process. This is the last of her 3 Fleur De Lis Windows and it looks like she'll be working on a lot of smaller windows next. We'll let you know what she has in mind after she finishes this window (which should be soon now).

Lea will definitely be finishing her window next week. she's got half of the front of this soldered now. I was amazed at how quickly she got her border wrapped during class. And when we set this into her china cabinet door it fit like a glove. Look for the finished picture next week.

Mary Lynn has all of her Cockatoo cut and ground now. She began wrapping it and I suspect that it will come in finished next week. Mary Lynn is pretty sure of this too because after she ground this bird she traced out a pattern for her next project--a Parrot. I may have the names wrong here because I'm having a hard time discerning one bird from the other but you get the picture!

Sheila ground and wrapped the oval for her 1st of 4 doors. After tacking the oval together she set it on top of the clear glass that was originally in the door and then got the clear all cut and ground. With a quick soldering job ahead of her I'd expect to see this one going home with her next week. Normally I do everything I can to avoid glare in the pictures I take but I purposefully caught some in this so you could see where the clear glass is in this window.

Barbara managed to pack up all her glass before I was able to take a picture of her Daffodils all laid out on the pattern. This was the only thing I could get a picture of-- a box of her glass pieces! :-( But don't worry, you'll see plenty more next wee when she has these two mirror image windows tacked together and we cut out the background.

Cheryl is waiting for her new computer to arrive and to keep her mind off of it she's started working on a large bear window. She got the bear and its cub all cut out and then began grinding the pieces. Look for an expanded view of this window next week when she starts to cut out the trees and forest that the bears are framed with.

Darlene has finished cutting all but the background of her Mickey Mouse Window which means that she'll be spending a lot of time on the grinder next week getting everything to fit together before she starts wrapping all her pieces. Once we have it tacked together we'll cut out the background. This is slightly smaller than the normal round Mickey Mouse that we do here, but it's easily just as nice.

Fran was back with us and decided to mix things up this week. Rather than making another of the same diamond shaped Fleur De Lis, she elected to make her new window in a hexagon. I think this one will be getting a black Baroque border next week since she took it home to work on during the week.

And speaking of Fleur De Lis, Grace has hers just about completed. She used black Baroque (what is it with Fleur De Lis and black Baroque glass?) for the thin inner border and then went with a glass that resembled her background glass in the final border. For added stylistic flair we all agreed that the grain of the last border should run in the opposite direction of the background glass. It's a nice effect although it's hard to see in the picture. Grace will solder this next week and possibly finish it.

We only had one finished project this week but as you can see we'll have a lot to show next week when classes resume yet again and even more work gets completed.
Bayou Salé GlassWorks
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