Monday, February 24, 2025

He's My Favorite Shadow Daddy

Let has made a wall clock that I haven't seen done in literally decades!  I used to always have two or three of these on the wall in the store when I was in PA and for good reason-  people loved them and they always sold well.  Let's version absolutely reveals why this was so popular.  The only thing she isn't thrilled with is the size of the hands that came with the clockwork so she may replace them with larger hands.  Nonetheless, this is stunning!

Linda F put her own spin on a popular Tuesday morning pattern. Instead of using all textured clears Linda has opted to use color and it works wonderfully! In fact, seeing this made in color makes it even resemble Frank Lloyd Wright's Tree Of Life even more, which is a very good thing.  And let's not forget to mention that her border glass choice is perfect!

Mary Grace completed her Initialed Baseball which will be displayed in a stand as a table piece.  Now that this is finished she'll be moving along to three different Volley Ball's with initials.
Betty made this Cross and Dove Suncatcher in just one class. She's made more than a few of these in the past so that's probably why she's got this pattern down to a science and can make it so quickly.

Susan R's first Flowerpot Ornament was completed this week and she was well underway on soldering her second one when she packed everything up and headed for home. Expect to see a second nearly identical version of this very shortly.

Zoe is cutting out her Duck Panel and is trying to bring a nice balance between artistic expression and reality into the mix. I believe that her duck looks great so I think she's hit upon a perfect harmonious blend of colors here.

Melissa's newest window can be found in the cartoon series 'Bluey'.  This is going to be a gift and it is featured prominently throughout the cartoon as it resides in the room that Bluey and Bingo share together.  Melissa is making short work of this as she got it all cut and ground in just one night and that is no mean feat! 
Susan has her Texas Longhorn all ground now and for its picture below she's placed it under the 3D wire frame that it will eventually hang behind. The wire frame is nice on its own but I have to admit that it really comes to life with the glass behind. Or at least it comes to life as much as a piece of skull art can!
Martha is working on a multi colored Fleur De Lis using a Mardi Gras color scheme.  In just one night she's managed to get all of the pieces to this cut out and I have to say that her cutting is wonderful because none of the pieces that you see in the picture have been ground even though it might look as though they have been.
Next we see that we have two of the same patterns being made with two very different methods of making them. Cindy goes for the 'grind as you cut' method so although she has fewer pieces of glass cut out than Martha does, Cindy's are already ground. 
Linda L's Mickey is looking great and there's no mistaking the pool vibe that this mouse exudes. Yes, his hand looks a little off but that will be completely fixed once some wire work is added to his hand. With her background now cut out Linda will next begin grinding and then tacking this together.

With all of the pieces to her Multi-Colored Elephant cut and ground, June has begun the fine art of foiling! At least this part of the building process is relaxing because you get to sit down and take your time while you are doing it. June's grinding skills have come along nicely because everything here fits together like a two peas in a pod!
Fill-ins. That's all that's left to cut here in Bee's Dandelion Tribute Window. There are just the flower stems left to go and then she can get a border on this and begin soldering.
This week Judy got her Carousal Horse all wrapped and tacked and which means that she can next grind her background pieces for a perfect fit.   Tacking the horse together before grinding the background ensures a nice snug fit for all of the pieces and prevents the pieces that make up the horse itself from slipping and sliding while she grinds her background. 
Let's Rooster Window is shaping up to be a beautiful piece of art indeed.   With all of the glass (save for the border) cut out she's begun foiling her pieces so that she can tack it all together and then get her border cut.  Expect to see that happen when she returns next week.


Ann got a lot of grinding accomplished on her Round Cross Window. you can clearly see the cross this week which means that there aren't many pieces left to go before she starts foiling all of this glass.
There's only one piece of glass missing in the 'motor' portion of Cheryl's Harley Davidson window which means that she will be moving over to CYCLES very soon now.  It may have taken some time for her to get this far but it's not about the destination-- it's about the ride!

Lorrie just couldn't have her baby elephant headless so she finished the cutting and grinding on that part of her Sugar Elephants Window and will move on back to her underwater scene when she returns.
MiMi managed to get four more egg cartons of glass cut out thus ending the cutting for her background glass pieces.
  Easter eggs, 
Pretty and funny
But where, oh, where
Is the Easter Bunny?

And Lara is about to begin work on this round Bird Window featuring a male and a female Cardinal.  However, before that happens Lara will return to her Louisiana Collage Window now that we have the background glass for it.   Expect to see that in out next post.


And with that, like a unicorn, I'm off to spread my magic elsewhere!


Bayou Salé GlassWorks

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