Lara's Books and Flowers was a n idea from a similar design that she saw on the internet however that version was surely going to fall apart due to all of the hing points and straight lines throughout the piece. We took the idea and 'sturdied' it up by adding flowers and repositioning books and pages somewhat leaving us with this very rugged version that Lara did excellent work on!
Kerry has completed his LOVE Window just in time for Valentines day to the delight of Jeanne who, I believe from the post that she made, loves this window. People often ask how you get the word LOVE into the glass not realizing that it's simply the result of well placed lead lines.
Does anyone here remember good ol' Two-fer Betty? This week she's Four-fer Betty as she wrapped up the work on four Silverware Dragonflies and four Cardinals as well. Yes, I know you can only see two of each but trust me when I say that there's more that I just didn't take pictures of.
After finishing her Seagull and Sunset Window Zoe decided to make a small Duck Window. She didn't care for the idea of the dragonfly in the upper corner of the window so Zoe is leaving that out of her finished version. I wouldn't be surprised if she has this all cut out upon her return because she certainly got a good head start on it in just one class.
Susan D was grinding away at her Texas Longhorn Skull and only has a few pieces left to go before she begins wrapping this and then finishing it off. There's some beautiful work here and I love how she's positioned the grain of the glass throughout this. It matches up but doesn't align perfectly which is actually perfect for a window like this. It's even given me an idea for a pattern that I hope to make in the months to come.
June is a beast! Her Multi-Colored Elephant has been completely ground and it looks GRRRRREAT! The eyes still have to be cut but in all honestly they are are simple enough to be left out and added as an afterthought (as well as the tusks). That said, I have no doubt that they will be filled in when we see this again.
As I edited Linda's Mickey picture last week I noticed that Mickey's face had been cut out of white glass which made him look more than a little ashy. I figured I'd say something to her when she returned to class but before that happened Linda texted me and asked why I didn't tell her that Mickey looked like a ghost! Now I have to say that sometimes things slip by me in person but then they become apparent when I edit the pictures that I take each week. That said, I'm glad that Linda discovered the problem on her own and when she came back in I saw that she had already re-cut and ground Mickey's face. Now that he's been tacked together Linda is ready to cut out her background!
There's an interesting story that belongs to Linda F's Flower Of Life Window this week. She came in needed a border and after we cut the strips we discovered that something was VERY wrong with her window because the measurement across the top was larger than the bottom measurement by a whopping half inch! It seems that when I drew this for her I somehow mis-marked a measurement. Luckily we managed to fix it by grinding the difference off of the angled panel and then swapping that center panel to the end. By the time Linda left we had fixed the issue as well as added the perfect border to this. And that goes to show you that even perfect Paul can make a mistake. Very rarely though-- very, VERY rarely! 😊
With the front side of her second Corner Accent Soldered there is no doubt that Kandise will have this completed when she leaves next week. Once the soldering on the back side gets done she'll get some hooks on this, wash it all up, color it.
Lastly we look at Cheryl's Harley Davidson Window. She's got most of the MOTOR section ground now but will need to cut out the center of one of the 'O's that apparently got lost in the shuffle. It won't be long until Cheryl moves on down to the word CYCLES after which the rest of this window will be easy curves with a few straight lines.
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