Zoe's Sunset and Seagull on the Water Window has been completed! As always her work was outstanding and since this is only her forth window it stands out even more. Her water shading is perfectly staged and her willingness to utilize the white in her border glass by arranging it in opposing corners gives the window an extra bit subtle yet beautiful flair. What's not to love here?
Martha's got a lock on Christmas of 2025 as she now has eight Christmas Ornament Suncatchers ready for the end of the year! These are not only colorful-- they are absolutely Vibrant with a capital V and will surely make great gifts.
Lorrie's Colorful Elephant Window is going to truly light up the room when it is completed. Although it's hard to see she already has numerous pieces near the bottom of the window cut and ground. I have to say that her work has jumped up another notch when I look at what she's accomplished this week!
We need a name for this pattern and I've decided to call it the Tulips of Life in an obvious reference to Frank Lloyd Wright's Tree Of Life design which is very similar. At any rate, Linda F began grinding her window and you can tell by the amount of pins (as well as their placement) that she's ready to start foiling. I love that she added color to this design which we've seen done many times but only ever in assorted clear glass textures. She's made it hers!
Let's Flower Clock only needs a border on it to finish off the glass cutting. Since I've made this before I know for a fact that if you follow the pattern for the borders you will need different widths. To fix that we are tacking this together BEFORE adding the orders, cutting the strips the same width and then adjusting the angles accordingly.
Shelley has jumped on over to making a Cat Window which she drew from a picture of her cat Tootie who passed away about two week ago. She's not only making windows, she's now learning how to trace over a picture to make a stained glass pattern. You never want to forget your pet after they've passed and this is help to keep The Big Toot in Shelley's thoughts for years to come.
Cindy is making a few Cardinal suncatchers that will be topped off with wire work. One of the wires will form a heart in the bird's breast, some will define feathers while others hold small beads which act as accent pieces that decorate the ends of her suncatcher.
June has been plugging away at the grinder like so many of our other students and I have got to say that her grinding is top notch. All of her curves flow smoothly with no sharp points and the fit of all of the pieces are well worth bragging about!
Kandise is almost finished with the wrapping of her 2nd (and final) piece of her pair of corner Accent Pieces. We're going to make an adjustment or two on the fitting (things always grow a distort after all the pieces are foiled and I can guarantee that this will be a perfect mirror image to the first piece.
Kerry's LOVE window will certainly be completed in time for Valentines day because as your can see he's just finished soldering the back side of it. Since this is the back side I feel the need to point out the fact that it almost says EVIL in reverse! Maybe that's just me though...
Barbara has a lot of the glass cut out (all that she can, actually) for her Cross Window. She switched over from a clear textured glass Cross to a colored one since it stands out so much better and now she's ready to grind away on this.the strips for the corner pieces have been cut on the strip cutter but she won't cut the angles on them until this has been tacked together.
Mimi has been cutting away and therefore filling up Egg Cartons at an alarming rate! Remember that she's got 3 of the same pieces in each spot that an egg would normally reside. Each set of three is then numbered so she'll be able to find things easily when it is time to assemble her Lamp. Organization is the key here.
Judy got all of her small Carousel Horse Window cut out and will begin grinding when she comes back in. You can already see almost exactly what this window will look like when it's finished because it fits together nicely even before having been ground.
Susan D is making a Texas Longhorn Skull which will hang behind a 3D wire frame of the same design that this was literally traced from. Having the stained glass behind the framework will give it a little more depth and make it stand out better when it is hanging. This is all cut out but not one piece has been ground which means that she's done some impressive cutting on this!
Linda L's Mouse is looking kinda like a Mickey Mouse! That's her desired effect and she's definitely accomplished it with a minimum amount of effort. Once Mickey is tacked together she will get her background cut out and after that she'll essentially be home free!
Sheri's Koi Window is coming together now that everything has been cut out. She's begun grinding from the bottom left hand corner and her pieces are fitting together gloriously.
With everything tacked together save for the cross and rose in the upper right corner of the sun Bee is just about finished cutting glass for her Dandelion Tribute Window. There are still a few background pieces to cut as well but that will go much easier now that Bee has tacked what she has together which will prevent things from shifting around. She'll be soldering this before you know it.
Ann has all of her background cut out and is now fairly sure that she is sticking to her original idea of just using two colors for the background. Once this has been ground and she sees exactly what this what look like she may possibly decide to swap some of the pieces for another color but until then she's just going to keep grinding away on this as it is
Susan R's pair of Flowerpot Decorations are ready for solder and I have no doubt that at least one of these will be completed upon her return. She makes quick work of these and displays them proudly in her flowerpots.
Cheryl has her 'MOTOR' letters all cut and ground and next she'll be filling in all of the pieces that make up the background of the top MOTOR section. Her glass is picked and her cutter has been primed so she's raring to go!
Betty is making a quartet of Cardinals of her own and these four have almost been completely ground which means that they ready for soldering along with a bit of wire work when Betty comes back in. The pattern shows holly leaves to the left of each bird but Betty is omitting them so that these can be hung year round.
Let has also begun picking out colors for her Rooster Window and has decided that his tail feathers will be made with assorted iridized glasses to make the feather appear to be glistening in the sunlight.
Lastly we have Annette who will be making a rather fancy Fleur De Lis Window whose pattern has certainly caught our Tuesday night student's attention. We may be seeing a lot of these being made in the near future!
And there you have it. Do the day and let the day do you!
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