And Sonia's Fleur De Lis Box is a winner as well. These boxes seem to be the perfect size because they all turn out looking very classy. Sonia was under the gun when it came down to completing this in time for Christmas but she managed to do it without sacrificing any of the quality of her work.

Pam added another of her over-sized sun catchers to her list of accomplishments when she completed this Water Lily design. Her confidence is high and her projects are getting more and more complex with each accomplished project.

Susan's latest Hand Mirror has pink undertones throughout all the glass which tie it all together perfectly. These really are a great gift and we've seen many of them made for Christmas recently. And since 3 more students have mentioned making these I think we'll be seeing different variations of the flowered hand mirror for a while.

And since Susan has become a professional at making Hand Mirrors and Business Card Holders she decided to really break out this week and complete one of each. This is her 'spur-of-the-moment' Blue Baroque Business Card Holder.

Fran's Donkey is just about complete! And when I say 'just about' I mean that the hard part is most certainly over with with. It's all tacked together save for her double borders which she'll work on when she returns. This window reminds me of Donkey from the Shrek movies. He's really got character.

With her added oysters, Patty can almost officially call this Seafood Medley Window complete! There are possible a few background pieces left to cut (I say possibly only because some of them are so small that we may lose them under solder and if that's going to happen then why should she bother cutting and wrapping them in the first place?) so this window is going to get a border on it next! And to think that Patty thought that she would never finish this window.

Ann's Butterfly Cabinet Doors are looking to be quite beautiful. This is the first one all ground and fitted together perfectly. She'll be doing some wrapping at home and then she'll begin grinding the mirror image of this window for her second cabinet door.

Lastly we'll take a look at this detail mid-sized window that Anita is making. It's not exactly a small project but it's small enough to make working with the tiny pieces a bit of a problem. But problem or not Anita managed to grind it all, wrap it and then tack it together. She'll be finishing this one at home for sure.

Bayou Salé GlassWorks
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